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New Investment Plans at ARC
New Investment Plans at American River Capital, Inc - 30 Days Plan and 7 Days Plan have been changed with new profits daily. 30 Days Plan and 7 Days Plan have been changed with new profits daily: "30 days profits daily" offers a variable daily interest rate ranging from 2.40% to 3.30%. All Investors who invest from $1000 to $9,999 will join this plan. "7 DAYS ONLY |Join V.I.P Investos|" offers a variable daily interest rate ranging from 4.00% to 9.00%. All Investors who invest from $10,000 to $100,000 will join this plan and become a VIP Investor. The Principal will be returned to investors at the end of the investment days (45 days, 30 days and 7 days). * Please note that interest is paid on business days, Monday through Friday, excluding official holidays. Only VIP Investors can get paid on Weekend and official holidays. more ...

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